50% more signal.
When you see more signal, you find anomalies faster. With an impressive 9-inch WVGA display and 15 horizontal divisions -allowing you to see 50% more signal-the TBS2000B digital storage oscilloscope not only helps you see the big picture, it gives you a clearer picture. A 5-million point record length lets you capture long time windows with higher timing resolution. Plus, the updated front-panel waveform navigation controls let you can easily pan and zoom through long records.
New features and options make the best scopes better
NEW Features
5M point record length, 200 MHz bandwidth, and 2GS/s sample rate capture and display significantly more signal to debug and validate designs faster.
New lower noise front end design offers lower random noise, better signal integrity and more accurate measurements.
TekVPI™ probe interface supports wide range of active, differential, and current probes with automatic scaling and units.
On-waveform cursor readouts with search and mark features enable easy identification of events that occur in the acquired waveform.
Educators can disable the autoset, cursors, and automated measurements to facilitate teaching basic concepts.