Product Description
Hand Control Unit
Interference Blanking Unit
Linear Actuator Driver
Multi-Functional Control System
Power Conversion and Distribution Unit
Peripheral Equipment Power Conversion Unit |

The unit is used to control the camera module in the UAV. It helps the pilot in the ground station to control the camera.
The "Hand Control Unit" is a panel-illuminated 7-button hardware that has been ergonomically developed to be used with the fingers of the left hand. It supports bidirectional RS-422 protocol as a communication interface, which can operate in the voltage range of 28V DC ±10%.
HCU is a system that provides the necessary commands with 7 push-pull buttons. The functions of the keys are determined by serigraphy on the panel.
Pressed and released information of 7 buttons is transmitted to the system via the RS-422 communication interface. FCP can test itself and periodically transmit critical faults via the communication interface.

The Interference Blanking Unit is developed in order to ensure compatibility between the different units in aircraft for operation in various location while simultaneously broadcasting RF. The main function of the Interface Blanking Unit is to perform signal blanking in accordance with the priorities of in-vehicle receivers and transmitters in order to prevent the simultaneous broadcasting units from affecting each other due to electromagnetic radiation. In addition, it is designed in a reconfigurable and modular structure, taking into account the requirements that may be needed in the field. The configurable matrix feature processes the blanking signals received at high and low voltage levels by an FPGA with low latency and parallel processing capabilities, and directs them to the relevant signal blanking output, thus ensuring RF compatibility of simultaneous broadcasting units. IBU is designed to operate in harsh environmental conditions with respect to its passive cooling thermal management. IBU is designed in accordance with RTCA/DO-254, Design Assurance Level C.

Linear Servo Actuator Control System is used to precisely control the linear type servo actuators such as wing flaps, nose wheels, and tail flaps while at the same time deploying and retracting the landing gear system in aircraft. The data received from the drive Hall Effect Sensor's position and speed are controlled according to the vector control algorithm and this controller carries out the driving of the motor according to the structure. It can receive commands via the RS-422/RS-485 communication interface with the flight control computer.

MFCS is a flight control computer designed for use in unmanned aerial vehicles. MFCS's architecture has been designed in line with the principle of controlling all activities of the flight sensors, control surfaces, communication systems and other aircraft subsystems in the aircraft, such as high-level management, control, monitoring and similar activities, by central computers.

The PCDU has 3 three-phase inputs, 200VAC 400Hz, 115VAC 400Hz, and 115VAC 400Hz. There is one AC output at 400Hz. AC output voltage value is selectable with relays. There are 6 DC output channels with variable current levels at 30VDC output voltage. DC outputs can provide both remote sense and local sense feature. Desired loads can be energized with a normally-open solid state switch in DC outputs. DC output currents and voltages are instantly monitored. Instant energy measurement of 2 different AC inputs and AC-DC system is provided.

The PEPCU has 3 three-phase inputs, 440VAC 400Hz, 440VAC 60Hz, and 115VAC 60Hz. There are four AC outputs in 440VAC, two at 400Hz and two at 60Hz. There are 18 DC output channels with variable current levels at 28VDC output voltage. Desired loads can be energized with a normally-open solid state switch in DC outputs and AC outputs. DC output currents and voltages are instantly monitored. Instant energy measurement of 4 different AC inputs and AC-DC system is provided. Device mount type is rack and panel.